Thursday, July 29, 2010

Safety Crackdown - Buzzed and Impaired Driving

Today, texting while driving is getting all of the attention on America's roadways. States are implementing laws and associations are trying to change the way we think about cell-phone use in general. But a major concern for the nation's drivers and road workers is still buzzed and impaired driving, and if you plan to hit the road this summer, know that enforcement officers ARE out there and they WILL find you. 

Impaired driving continues to be one of the deadliest crimes in America. In 2008, there were 11,773 deaths due to alcohol - nearly 1/3 of all traffic fatalities in the US. These drivers all had blood alcohol levels of .08 or higher. This means there was an average of one alcohol-impaired-driving fatality every 45 minutes. Thankfully, that number is down from 13,041 in 2007 - but it's not enough.  

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has formed a national strategy to stop impaired driving and created programs across the United States that aid motorists in the reporting of impaired drivers to law enforcement. You will notice an increasing amount of officers patrolling with increased prosecution for offenders.

HiVis Supply would like to remind all drivers and road workers out there that safety is important to us all, because at the end of the day, especially during vacation, getting home to our loved ones is what's important. HiVis is dedicated to keeping road workers safe by providing hi-visibility products and gear that get people noticed and keep them safe. Have a great summer, and stay safe.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hi-Vis for Gulf Oil Spill Response

Use of hi-visibility clothing has been readily evident with gulf oil spill workers and clean-up crew in response to the BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster back in April. Since then, environmental clean-up, contaminated water and Florida, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana shoreline workers have been tasked to alleviate all signs of the oil spill from contaminated beaches and coastal waterways, and posting beach closure signs, oil spill clean-up signs, no water contact signs and oil spill response signs.

Hi-visibility gear allows workers to be seen even in low-light conditions as crews work in the early morning hours and well into the night often in very bright and dangerous conditions. The use of hi-reflectivity gear also denotes workers from civilians and allows managers to keep tabs on their employees.

HiVis Supply salutes these men and women who are working diligently around the clock to help wildlife survive this catastrophe and ease the burden on our precious coastal ecosystems. There is no way to determine at this time how long the BP oil spill will contaminate our environment, close our beaches and shut down water operations, or to what degree the 2010 oil spill will affect our lives in the years to come. Only time will tell, and we’re here to help.