Tuesday, November 29, 2011

3 Ways to Prepare for Winter Drivers - Part 2 - The Pedestrians

In last week's installment, we talked about preparing for winter road conditions as a driver, including maintenance on your vehicle, and mental preparation for a hazardous environment. 

We all know that driving in winter is challenging. But what can you do as a roadside worker, construction worker, flagger, crosswalk guard, bicyclist or pedestrian to keep yourself out of harm's way?

1. Cyclists - Make sure your bike head and seatlights are in working order. These lights must be working properly and cover north, south, east and western exposures, and bright enough to be seen in tough conditions. Get a mirror and reflectors, both are inexpensive and useful. Remember to ride against traffic so you can react to what's happening ahead of you, and most of all, always don hi-visibility gear such as safety vests, signal lights and armbands.

2. Pedestrians - Use sidewalks whenever possible and take off your earphones, or at least lower the volume so you can hear the ambient noise around you. Use crosswalks and wait for signal hands to change before entering the roadway. And, as with cyclists, walk towards oncoming traffic for the ability to make quick self-preservation decisions. If you walk regularly, there are hi-vis t-shirts and mesh safety vests for warmer weather, and fluorescent sweatshirts, even hivis parkas with retro-reflective material and reflective stripes for you die-hards who will walk and workout in the most extreme conditions. 

3. Flaggers, Construction Workers and Roadside Workers - As we've said before, he key to staying safe is staying visible. Hi Vis clothing, hi-vis apparel, high-visibility jackets, pants and accessories are the absolute best way to keep safe during the winter months. Flaggers are your first line of defense if you're a part of of roadside construction crew, but who's going to defend the flaggers? By simply being on the road, you're at the mercy of vehicles, no matter how safe you act or work, but you absolutely must be seen in high visibility clothing and hi vis accessories. And, depending on the speed of the vehicles near or around you, you may need a different class of hi-vis safety vest, or high-vis jacket.

Check out safety vests, Hivis apparel, hi-vis accessories, and traffic safety apparatus at HiVis Supply. The holidays are here, and you need to stay safe while at work or out on the roadways.

Monday, November 21, 2011

6 Ways to Get Ready for Winter Part 1 - The Driver

Getting ready for winter road conditions early is everyone's job. Don't wait until it's too late and you're caught or stuck on the roads and unprepared. This goes for everyone including drivers, pedestrians, cyclists or roadside construction workers - but mostly for responsible drivers.

 Driving in winter is challenging and creates numerous hazards. It's darker, the weather is usually worse, and can be extremely hazardous including freezing rain, icy roads, strong winds, snow, sleet, runoff, and heavy fog, not to mention the extreme brightness snow can cause when the sun is at its peak.

 So what can you do to get prepared early and drive safely in the winter?
  1. Have your car serviced -  including getting all of the fluids changed, and windshield wipers checked. This also includes the battery that will take a beating.
  2. Make sure you don't drive when you can't see - how many times have you pulled out because you're going to be late to work while squinting through an unclear windshield?
  3. Make sure you have the proper accessories - A scraper for your windshield, rear window and side view mirrors for blind spots. And don't forget the jumper cables - long warm ups, use of headlights, and everything on can work to drain a battery.
  4. Slow down - The faster you're going, the longer it takes to slow down, and this principle multiplies in severe weather. 
  5. Keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you - Make sure there are three seconds between you and the car ahead of you in good driving conditions, and further in bad.
  6. Turn your lights on - Take all the precautions you can to see and be seen on the road, including running your lights in the daytime.

HiVis Supply is a reseller of high visibility garments including several Class II ANSI women's hivis vests and jackets including this Utility Pro® Pullover, safety vest, Parka and Jacket.