ANSI Class 2 Short Waist Mesh FR Safety Vest
The workplace can be a dangerous place, with there being more hazards than people often realize. There are many accidents in the workplace each year due to unsafe work practices, staff not being trained to use equipment or machinery properly or even simple things, like being tired or overworked. It is important for all businesses to take their
Occupational Health and Safety seriously and it is a good idea to deal with Safety Management Consulting groups to make sure they are on the right track.
A confined working space can become a workplace safety issue. The space itself may be dangerous due to its construction or the location may not be safe. A space may also be a dangerous area to undertake certain types of work. For example it is hazardous to work in a confined space with toxic gases, vapours or fumes. Such work should be undertaken outside or in a large area with lots of fresh air circulating. Staff should also wear the correct safety equipment, such as face masks or breathing ventilators.
Some workplaces are more prone to fires than others, depending on the nature of the business. As an employer fire safety should be a number one priority and steps undertaken to protect staff against the threat of fire. Staff should also be fully trained in case there is a fire, knowing where the escape routes are and where they should assemble.
An overexposure to loud noise can cause damage to a person's hearing, even rendering them completely deaf over time. In many factories the noise of some machinery is extremely loud, and staff must be given the right ear protection to wear. Noise should not be louder than 140 decibels and staff should not be exposed to it for prolonged periods of time. If it is at all possible machinery should be fixed to tone down the noise, or have noise buffers put in place.
Unfortunately workplace injuries occur everyday. Some are just small injuries, others are more serious, and sometimes they are even fatal. Employers must do everything they can to avoid their staff from being injured. Measures employers can take include making sure machines have safety guards, that staff are well educated in the use of dangerous machinery and that their business compiles with occupational health and safety standards. Employers can also support staff who are injured to return to work as soon as possible and make sure they receive the right compensation during the time they are injured.
Electrical Hazards
It is not just staff working with electricity, like electricians, that can be exposed to electrical hazards. Staff need to be aware of any risks that may arise from using electricity. Some industries will be more at risk than others but it is a risk that is not to be disregarded. An employer needs to make sure that there are no faulty electrical equipment being used, no loose wires or water lying around anywhere that electricity is being used.
To learn more about Workplace Safety, check out
HiVis Supply or
Summit Sign and Safety, and check Self Insurance and Safety Management Consulting.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louis_D_Dale