Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hi Vis Safety and "Move Over, America" Laws

Police officers, firefighters and EMT's put their lives on the line every day in an attempt to keep civilians safe and out of harm's way. They are sworn to "Serve and Protect" - so shouldn't they garner the same honor and respect from us?
Unfortunately, out of ignorance mostly, we civilians often act in a dangerous manner, especially while driving. The chart below shows that although 40 states have "Move Over" laws, laws that require drivers to change lanes for the safety of public servants working on the side of the road, more than 10 police officers have been struck and killed over the past 12 years.

According to a national poll by Mason Dixon Polling & Research, sponsored by the National Safety Commission:

• 71 percent of Americans have not heard of “Move Over” laws;
• 86 percent support enacting “Move Over” laws in all 50 states; and
• 90 percent believe traffic stops and roadside emergencies are dangerous for law enforcement and first responders

"Move Over, America" is a partnership originally founded in 2007 by the National Safety Commission, the National Sheriffs' Association and the National Association of Police Organizations. Most recently, the partnership has also received the full support of the American Association of State Troopers. The campaign is the first nationally coordinated effort to educate Americans about "Move Over" laws and how they help protect the law enforcement officers who risk their lives protecting the public.

Hi Vis Supply is dedicated to promoting awareness about the dangers of roadside and highway work and carries a wide array of safety vests and accessories to keep your employees safe in dangerous places.