Personal Safety Lites are perfect for a multitude of applications. Parents, use these lights to draw attention to children by wearing an armband or attaching directly to book bags, jackets, belts, bicycles or scooters. And adults can increase their visibility when walking, jogging or bicycling during low light or dark conditions.
Safety on the jobsite for construction workers and road crews, traffic control personnel, or for anyone who needs to be seen in low light or no light conditions is always an important issue. Personal Safety Lites are visible for a distance of approximately ½ mile, and over a mile in the right conditions.
Polycarbonate lenses are not scratch-resistant but are very difficult to break and will not shatter. The housing assembly is also made of a durable polymer to withstand damage.

LED’s have:
- Extended lifetime - most rated to 100,000 hours
- Energy savings in many applications
- Reduced heat output
- Brighter, more intense colors
The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard maintains that LED lights cannot be used in place of chemical flares for broken down vehicles, however, they can be used as supplemental warning devices “in addition to...the required warning devices*, provided those warning devices do not decrease the effectiveness of the required warning devices.” Required warning devices include three bi-directional emergency reflective triangles that conform to the requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 125, §571.125; or at least 6 fusees or 3 liquid burning-flares.
Personal Safety Lites can be attached to oversize loads or when used in traffic control applications. Construction companies and DOT flaggers use these lights in various applications and other environments requiring a highly visible signaling device.