Here are the 5 states with the highest number of crashes in work zones:
- Texas – 96 work zone fatalities – 2,902 total = 3.3% work zone crash fatalities
- Georgia - 57 work zone fatalities – 1,187 total = 4.8% work zone crash fatalities
- Florida - 43 work zone fatalities – 2,398 total = 1.7% work zone crash fatalities
- California – 41 work zone fatalities – 2,671 total = 1.5% work zone crash fatalities
- Illinois - 32 work zone fatalities – 895 total = 3.5% work zone crash fatalities
These 5 states represent 251 of the 576 (43.5%) of the total work zone crash fatalities for 2010.
Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii and New Hampshire and North Dakota all reported 0 incidents of work zone related fatalities.
Alaska, the District of Columbia, Rhode Island and Vermont only registered double-digit traffic fatalities not work-zone related.
- About 1,000 fewer overall fatalities overall - 33,883 in 2009 and 32,885 in 2010
- About 100 fewer work zone fatalities 680 to 576
- Texas went down from 109 to 96
- Florida – down from 82 to 43
- California – down from 46 to 41
- Georgia – up from 32 to 57
- Illinois – up from 31 to 32
Wikipedia estimates these states will have the largest total populations in 2011: California, Texas, New York, Florida and Illinois.
HiVis Supply wishes you a safe and happy 2012, where work zone fatalities are zero. There is no reason for work zone fatalities, and we believe they can all be prevented by awareness, discipline, slower driving and hi-visibility clothing and safety gear.